Monday, December 10, 2007

the good doctor

well, I have been assigned to create the doctor, from character sheets to modelling, and I imagine I'll be doing a fair ammount of texturing as well, but it's not my forte. I've got a small character sheet drawn up, and it looks fairly good so far, it will be scanned and added to the website soon, I'd love to read any comments on it.

storyboards and such are in the works, along with some more concept art. like will posted earlier, we (okay, so he) is breaking through the conceptual phase and modelling a character, giving it tectures and hair (which looks amazing). my main duty at the moment is to familiarize myself with blender, never having used it before it's difficult for me to get back into the swing of things. I feel as though I'm making some progress though, learning where the tools are and how to use them again is frustrating, but I'll do it somehow.

back to the good doctor, I'm planning on sculpting his head to get a better feel for his character, and what he looks like before I start modelling him in 3D, expect pictures after the christmas break. I look forward to continuing this project, it's going to be amazing.

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