Wednesday, January 30, 2008

download available! (among other things)

there was an update of images and even a download last night. after re-designing the soldier character, and a few new concepts of Kira, Koei's sister, we felt that it would be a good idea to update the images. they're actually pretty cool I think.

working on the storyboard has been fun so far, getting camera angles, shot transitions and a feel for what the shot is going to look like is just a really cool feeling. one shot in particular I'm excited about, it's in the opening sequence, and I don't really want to give too much away right now, but it's going to look really cool. I am seriously geeking out about it. I really want to get started on it. maybe an animatic would help the process out a bit.

I'm rambling, storyboarding is going well, and I think we can get it finished tonight. that's really all the news I can think of, except I need a different computer to work with because the one I was using wouldn't recognize USB memory devices. kind of stinks, and puts a delay on some things, but I'll be able to pull it off. all that's left is seeing who will model the soldier. I think I might end up doing that as will is going to model Kira.

check out the website if you haven't already! there's a cool wallpaper waiting to be downloaded.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Soldiers and story boards

whew, I feel absolutely useless to this project right now. I've been trying to work out a new soldier concept because we don't really have time to model rig and all that for an entire new character who would be able to express emotions. the soldiers as they are right now would have to be able to yell, cringe and express pain and all that. which would require a lot of work with the face. I was at work and I thought maybe using a Riot helmet with a reflective sheild would work, and after experimenting with some conceptual drawings and found one I liked. unfortunately it looks similar (but definitely not)to the Halo helmets from the well known video game series.
well, I left those conceptual drawings home this weekend, so I had to draw a new one to show my partner, and together we came up with something that will work. it requires a re-make of the soldier concept though. it's difficult because neither of us have really worked with armor before, and we're going for a very specifica look that is still practical to a point.

the story boards are going to start when we have some free time, and I am excited about finally getting the story down visually. to start setting up camera angles and what not. being able to block out the animations and everything I think will really help me get excited about the project. not that I'm not excited about it, I just have a lot going on right now and I feel as if I haven't been doing enough for the project. I feel bad about it really.

music is coming together, but it's not really my department, we're having a few friends of ours play instruments and it's going to be amazing. look forward to a little sample maybe.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

learning to blend

well, I've been messing around with bender, trying to familiarize myself with the alien interface, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. obviously I'm not going to be as fast as someone who has been working in it for a while, but I think I've picked it up fairly quickly. it makes me happy actually.

I also found out that the UVSC library has some of the gnomon DVD's available for 3-day loans. I'm getting them today if everything goes smoothly and I'm hoping to learn some tricks of the trade before I start modelling the doctor's head in 3D.

another exciting thing is that UVU is taking a trip down to dreamworks in february, it's in the middle of the semester, and for a whole week, but I think it would be entirely worth it. I'm a little worried, they want us to put together a portfolio, but being a freshman I don't really have anything truly impressive to put into a portfolio, except what I did last year. I mean, I have a few sculptures I could use, but not much else. we'll just see how it goes, and if I can be one of the seventeen allowed on the trip.

I've also been taking a 2D animation class, and only now that I'm doing some of the stuff do I realize just how essential it is to 3D animation, it's difficult to describe why it's so important though, you just have to experience it for yourself really. Rodayne is a great teacher, and I look forward to working my pencils down to nubs.

all in all, I am excited for everything, from learning to blend, to my 2D animation class, and the prospects of visiting a major studio. I'm very excited.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lip Sync

I have been working on some lip sync for the main character. This is also a first time for me. I just wanted to show you guys how I am doing it so far. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

finished sculpture

the sculpture of the doctor is finished! unfortuneatly it wasn't until today that we were able to take pictures of it, my camera seems to have wandered out of my apartment while I was away for christmas. (I'm pissed about it, so it's a little touchy)

anyway, here is what it looks like for those of you who check the blog, but not the site ( )

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Main Character almost completed!

And by the tite the main character is almost finished. Right now I am working on a proper rig and facial expressions with keyshape drivers. Also I am working on developing keyshapes for lip sync. We'll see how that goes because this is a first for me. Also sorry that the project site is down. Server issues... I will post when the are back up.