Wednesday, February 20, 2008

wiping off the rust.

gosh,m we finally got our computer problems resolved by running a network cable from Will's room to my room so there's no need for USB drives (which is what we were having issues with in the first place). got my workstation set up today with Will, really he set it up with a little help from me running cables. but it works really well as far as I can tell. now the only problem is with me.

usually a two week break wouldn't be a big deal for me, but because I'm still unfamiliar with blender I'm really rusty, it feels like I'm trying to relearn a piano piece I played years ago. I recognize the tune but it's still difficult at times. but, I think I'll be able to pull back up fairly quickly, I've still got the essential blender to help me out, and if I can't figure it out for myself Will can help me.

I'm still really excited about the project, the storyboard and animatic are pretty dang cool, still extremely rough and everything, but it definitely gets the ideas across. y'all should be excited.

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