Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pretty Much the End

It has been many months since any updates. In fact I really don't know if anyone is reading this, but for those who do.

No work has been done on this project for almost 5 months now. Motivation and time are the current road blocks that killed this project. Though what I and Ryan have done as greatly increased are knowledge we have decided to move on. There is plenty of learning to be had in over things.

Anyways good news is is that I am planning on publishing what we have done here in the next moth or so. I am finishing rendering what I had animated and I am planning on compiling it with the anamatic to give you peoples a glimpse of what we had planned.

I still have passion for the story and in the future if the feeling arises I will do some things with it. But in the mean time it is over. I will do one last post when I have everything available

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can we have that result? I'm looking forward to seeing it!